Welcome to Northside Elementary’s Counseling Corner!
The goal of our counseling program is to lay the foundation for our youth to grow and become successful students and citizens. We provide counseling services to all students in order to promote a safe and supportive school environment that ensures a positive experience for all students, staff, and administration. Our program teaches knowledge, attitudes and skills students need to acquire in academic, career and social/emotional development, which serve as the foundation for future success.
Pam Burnham
Guidance Counselor
252-335-2033 ext. 409
Meet Mrs. Burnham!
I am Pamela Burnham, guidance counselor at Northside. I have proudly served the Bears for 13 years and worked 11 years prior in the mental health field in Elizabeth City and Maryland. I earned my Masters in Counseling from the University of Maryland at College Park, Psychology degree from Elizabeth City State University and am National Board Certified with the state of NC.